

To support the teaching, history and traditions of Tai Liu Chuan Fa.


Tai Liu Chan Fa is a soft internal style of Chinese martial arts that was started in the 1500s by Chujen Yueh Le Suu. The title of Chujen, or Grand Master, was passed down to Suu family members until 1979 when Saul Tallbear, a Mohawk Indian, became the first non Suu family member to lead the art. In 2016 Chujen Jeff Pate became the new Supreme Grand Master of the Tai Liu Chuan Fa with the a promotion by Sifu Tallbear.

Meet the Team

Meet the team that has put in the effort to create this site and support Tai Liu Chuan Fa through various efforts. All of them are direct students of the former Chujen, Sifu Tallbear.